If you collect Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI):
1. You should report all earned income over $720 gross per month on a monthly basis.
2. To report your income, call your local office and ask to speak to the SSDI Representative.
3. The office should mail you out a Work Activity Report. This report asks questions about your work, wages, and deductions. If you don't receive one, ask Social Security to send you the report with a receipt of notification (a signed stamped paper) so you have proof you called.
4. When you send in your pay stubs or Work Activity Reports by mail, send the originals certified mail. Be sure to make copies for yourself!
If you collect Supplemental Security Income (SSI):
1. You should report all earnings, regardless of the amount on a monthly basis.
2. When you report your income, call your local Social Security office and ask to speak to the SSI Representative. They will ask you to come in with proof of your wages or ask for it to be mailed.
3. When mailing any documents to Social Security, be sure to send it certified. Make copies of everything.
4. Of the earned income you receive, the first $65 of what you earn, plus another $20, is not counted when determining your new benefit amount. In general, your benefit is reduced $1 for every $2 you earn over the $85 deduction.